Criminal Defense: A Brief Introduction to Criminal Law

Home / Criminal Defense: A Brief Introduction to Criminal Law
What do you know about criminal defense lawyers? You can read about criminal law here in this brief overview on the basics.
Old Criminal Law books with court gavel

Did you know over 2800 people have been convicted of crimes they didn’t commit? Facing a situation where you are wrongfully accused can feel overwhelming. You need a reputable criminal defense lawyer. To learn more about what to look for in a criminal defense attorney, keep reading.

Most people understand other forms of law like civil or family but have a poor understanding of the criminal defense.

Ready to learn more? Check out the tips below.

Defining Criminal Defense Law 

People accused of crimes have the right to legal protection. If you are accused of a crime you didn’t commit, you need protection.

Without protection for the accused, the justice system wouldn’t have balance. Criminal defendants need reputable representation.

A defense attorney will understand how to help their client. Criminal prosecutions proceed based on the gathered evidence.

The evidence could include witness statements, drug or alcohol tests, and physical evidence. The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution prevents police from using unreasonable seizures or searches to get evidence.

If the police get proof this way, the defense attorney will request that the court suppresses the evidence.

The Sixth Amendment will guarantee criminal defendants a chance at a public trial. In most cases, the criminal will also have the right to have a jury determine their innocence or guilt.

Benefits of a Criminal Lawyer 

A criminal lawyer will spend time researching the facts and investigating the case against the clients.

The lawyer will also try to negotiate deals with the prosecutors. The deals will sometimes include a reduced charge, sentence, or bail.

Public pressure, overloaded court calendars, and crowded jails have furthered the importance of deal-making.

A criminal lawyer will spend time creating a plea and analyzing the prosecutor’s case. The lawyer will also think about potential sentences for the individual they represent.

Lawyers will question witnesses and gather essential evidence.

How Do You Secure Release From Jail While Awaiting Trial? 

After an arrest, defendants want to get out of jail.

The defendant won’t be able to work and earn money to cover their legal expenses. This becomes a major roadblock for those who plead guilty and must pay extensive fines.

A defendant who is incarcerated will remain at a disadvantage because it’s challenging to help their lawyer prepare a defense.

While the case is pending, the defendant has to post bail. Bail is good faith money. It gives the court collateral to ensure the defendant returns to court and follows through with future proceedings.

If the defendant doesn’t show up, the bail money will be forfeited. A defendant unable to cover bail might use a commercial bond service or even ask the judge to lower the amount.

Sometimes, a judge will lower the bail if it’s shown the defendant has a strong tie to the community.

What About Plea Bargaining Strategies?

Most cases don’t advance to the trial stage. The prosecuting lawyer and the defendant will often try to settle,  through what’s known as the plea bargain.

In some cases, if the defendant cooperates and shows remorse, this may convince the prosecutor that a lighter sentence is the appropriate course of action.

How to Present a Winning Defense 

If the case does head to a jury trial, the lawyer must present a theory to the jury. The lawyer needs to show why the defendant was accused falsely.

The lawyer will return to this theory repeatedly during the trial. Creating a compelling approach and communicating it is the primary goal of any good criminal defense lawyer.

Why You Might Hire a Defense Lawyer

You might need to hire a criminal defense attorney if you need representation. Once arrested, it’s essential to have a lawyer who will stand up for your rights.

Working with a reputable lawyer can help lower your sentence. Your lawyer will gather crucial evidence in your favor. The attorney will also try and estimate your potential sentence.

You should hire a lawyer with lots of experience dealing with cases similar to yours.

Handling the Legal Fees 

You might need to spend a lot when hiring a reputable lawyer. You want to have the best lawyer fighting for your rights. Thankfully, most criminal defense lawyers will take on a case without a retainer.

Spend time talking to your potential lawyer about their fees. You don’t want to get blindsided by the price tag later.

Hiring a Professional Criminal Defense Lawyer 

Hiring the proper criminal defense attorney is critical if you hope to move forward with your life. An excellent criminal defense attorney will help you find justice, clear your name, or obtain a reduced sentence.

Do you need to hire a criminal defense lawyer for your situation? We’re here to help. Contact our experienced legal team for more information.



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